Tuesday 29 November 2011

Does The Nessie Exist

The first sightings of the Lochness Monster were dated back to the 6th century, the first report was written by Adomnan of Lona. He said that the Irish Monk St. Columbia and his companions were staying at the land of the PICTS, when they came over a burying by the locals of a person, the locals said that this man went swimming when a water beast followed & attacked him. Curious by the story Columbia sent one of his men to swim across the same thing happened during the swim the beast followed him, but Columbia made the sign of the cross and commanded the beast to return to his home at once, and as if it was like being pulled back by ropes the beast left the man unharmed, they praised god for this miracle. The first photos were taken by Dr. Wilson the clearest photo was known as the (Surgeon’s Photo).  A South African tourist took a 3minute 16mm film of it and the Biologist said that, this is the evidence to prove it’s real. 
Doesn’t Exist
No one has seen the whole body of the Monster, Only pictures & short videos for evidence. No one has see the whole monster just parts of it people have faked the monster and made it there selfs.

My comments:
I think that the Monster Is 50/50 There is only Half of all the evidence so that’s what I think.

Sites of INFO:

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Where could Remy get his information from for this article?

Google, yahoo, books, people, science websites, youtube.

How can Remy use the internet to find what he wants?

He can go to searching websites like google, yahoo, spezify, wikipedia.

Why has Remy got over 2 million results? Why are some of the websites he has found not relevant? How could Remy improve the results?

Because it will search for everything with the words he typed in, in the searching website. He can also use more specific words.

Can Remy trust the information? Why might it be unreliable?

He can’t trust all the information because some might be written by people that doesn’t actually know about the subject. That’s why you can ask people in real life.

What software should Remy use? What should he do before he starts using the software?

He should make sketch of the magazine article and have written down the important information.

How can Remy design and write the article so that it will appeal to Remy’s readers

He should write it down in colorful letters and backgrounds and pictures and different if he is writing the article to teenagers.