Wednesday 20 June 2012

 My Reflection of the Year

This year was a good year I would say in ICT class, we did learn a lot of things which we didn't know. We learned 6 Modules this year, we learned how to handle data and how to present it, how to make flow charts, answer questions and did lots of TESTS. Ms. Kavita taught us important things about how to use soft wares and hard wares and ofcourse the computer. Ms. Kavita taught us things we needed to know for next year, I will use all of the things taught next year. Thank You Ma Kavita.

Thursday 7 June 2012


Case study 5

Q1. How many different things did you count? What were they? In what ways might computers be used to control different things in the supermarket?
 A1.10 different  things. They are the microwave, GPS, gas fill up, car park barrier, Car reverse sensor that goes beep, robot, automatic door, freezer, conveyer belt, pays with the card. The computer controls the air conditioner, the fans, the freezer, the lights, the conveyer belt, barcode sensor, automatic doors and the room temperature.

Q2. Why is it useful to use computers rather than people to control things? What problems might there be if any of the computer systems fail in the supermarket?
 A2. If we use people to control the machines then it will be slower and it is too much for them to control. People will wait for a very long time to get their turn in line.

Q3. Describe the inputs and outputs for the other devices that we have talked about so far. How do the supermarket doors and car park barriers know when to open? Identify other control systems that work automatically in this way.
A3. Microwave’s input is set the time and output is cook food,Alarm clock’s input is set the time and output is alarm on, Car barriers’ input is swap the card or punch the button, and output is open the door, Supermarket door’s input is move to the door and output is open the door.

Q4.What would happen if the instructions were wrong? These instructions assume that the car is in the right place. What would happen if the car were not there? How could they stop this happening?
A4.If the instrument  were wrong , the robot will drop the wind shield and broke it. If the car was not there the robot will automatically stop. They stop this happen by stop the machine.

Thursday 19 April 2012


Q1. How could Mussie and Ellie find out whether older people do more for charity  than younger people?
A1. Search for the information on the internet.
Q2. Why does Mussie think that these data prove him right? Why might Ellie think that these data do not prove him right?
A2.  1) Because he saw that the amount of older people has donated more money than the younger people. 
        2) Because the data is only from one of the charity website so, on the other charity website it could be different. Also the money the younger people are donating is going up every year and if the trend goes on few years later the younger people will donate more money to the charity. And the chart only shows the amount of money and the not the activities the younger people do.  
Q3.What questions should they ask?
A1. 1) How old are you?
       2) How much money do you give to charity?
       3) How much time do you spend doing charity work?  
Q4. How many questions should they hand out? Who do you think should fill in their questions?
A4. They should hand out around 30 copies.   Adult and teenagers.   
Q5. Which software could Mussie and Ellie use to put the answer into the computer? How can they check that the data are correct? How could they reduce the number of errors of the data? What problems might there be if the data were typed incorrectly?
A5. 1)  Microsoft Excel.  
       2) They can go over the data again to check if they have the correct ones.
       3) Use a calculator and Spell Check for spelling.
       4) -The data won’t be counted
           - The result might be confusing because it’s different from what they expected.
Q6. What is the best way for Ellie and Mussie to present their result?
A6. They can present their result by using a table and charts.

1.   They can look at the charity websites to see some information about which age does more charity work or do their own survey and ask both ages of adults and child.

2.   Mussie thinks he’s right because on the charity websites all show that adults do more charity work, Ellie thinks the data can prove him right because the websites only put the average of what they think is true if Ellie and Mussie want to know for sure they should conduct their own survey.

3.   They should ask these questions:
   How old are you?
   Do you do charity work often?
   How much do you donate to charities?
   What charity do you work with?
   What type of charity work do you do?

4.   They should hand out 100 questionnaires 50 to adults and 50 to children so they get different opinions.

5.   They should use Excel because it can sort data easily, and correctly with the formulas. They can check with an calculator, and the results would be wrong if you typed it incorrectly.

6.   The can use a pie chart to show the different percentages of the results. 

Wednesday 18 April 2012


1. How old are you?    _____ Years

2. Do you donate money to the charity oftenly?

3.How much money do you donate to the charities?

    10- 30HKD

4. Do you do Charity work?         Y/N

5. How long do you do charity work each time?

   3 or more hours

6. What type of charity work do you do?

Raise money
Food Aid
Human Rights

7. What types of organized charities do you work with? ________

By: Ben and Sarah Lee ( Lions)

Saturday 28 January 2012

Module 3 Questions

Q1: What might be the differences between a computer system set up for gaming compared to one set up for a business to use?

A1:Gaming systems have to have a good quality screen for playing games they use hardware like game controls and joy sticks. Business systems need things like printers, fax machines to help out on the business. Business also needs softwares like Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and excel to help make proposals and reports.

Q2: Earl has 800 pounds to spend. How can Shaheen work out if he has enough money? What if he hasn't got enough money? What methods could Shaheen use to hwlp her work out the prices of these different options?

A2: Shaheen could add up the prices and subtract the money Earl has. If Earl doesn't have enough money Shaheen could use the spread sheet make up a table and it will be easy to calculate the prices of these objects. She could use the Formula Function in excel to calculate the total price of all the hardware and see if Earl has enough money.

Q3: What does Shaheen need to do to this spreadsheet model so that it is ready to use?

A3: Shaheen needs to make sure that all the prices are correct she has put everything in order and make sure everything is accurate. She can make everything more clear by making a title, column everything so we don't get mixed up.

Q4: How can Shaheen use the spreadsheet model to help her with the new customer? What changes might she need to make her spreadsheet model?

A4: Shaheen can change the gaming hardwares to business hardwares, she needs to do what she did with earl and make sure everything is accurate. She needs to change the columns, headings title and the functions to business functions.

Q5: How else could Shaheen present this information to make it easier to read?

A5: She could just put the totals out of how much she sold for the systems and the prices(money) she made. She just needs to put the totals of all the prices and lay it out clearly.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Does The Nessie Exist

The first sightings of the Lochness Monster were dated back to the 6th century, the first report was written by Adomnan of Lona. He said that the Irish Monk St. Columbia and his companions were staying at the land of the PICTS, when they came over a burying by the locals of a person, the locals said that this man went swimming when a water beast followed & attacked him. Curious by the story Columbia sent one of his men to swim across the same thing happened during the swim the beast followed him, but Columbia made the sign of the cross and commanded the beast to return to his home at once, and as if it was like being pulled back by ropes the beast left the man unharmed, they praised god for this miracle. The first photos were taken by Dr. Wilson the clearest photo was known as the (Surgeon’s Photo).  A South African tourist took a 3minute 16mm film of it and the Biologist said that, this is the evidence to prove it’s real. 
Doesn’t Exist
No one has seen the whole body of the Monster, Only pictures & short videos for evidence. No one has see the whole monster just parts of it people have faked the monster and made it there selfs.

My comments:
I think that the Monster Is 50/50 There is only Half of all the evidence so that’s what I think.

Sites of INFO: